
Why Dealing With the Lowest Cost China Manufacturers is not a Bargain

Exporters from all over the world come to China for either sourcing products at a cheap price or with the hope of starting manufacturing of their products at a relatively low cost. If you are going to browse the websites of China manufacturers, there is no surprise that you will find hundreds of manufacturers that offer quotes at an astonishingly lower price. Being a business owner you might say “this is exactly what I’m looking for, this is the reason I’ve come to China.”

Bargaining in China Market

Wait for a while! Before striking a deal with that manufacturer that assured you the lowest quote, take a few minutes out of your busy schedule and kindly read out this blog.

Manufacturing price that sounds too good to be true might be a trap for the scammers. Inexperienced importers fall victim of the deception and select the cheapest price. They have no idea that this move is going to cost them dearly at the latter stages. Most of the time foreign importers are lured with amazing product images and unrealistic assurances by the manufacturers and the importers went on to make the deposit without visiting the factory.

I’m not saying that Chinese manufacturers cannot offer good price, but you need to understand why would a manufacturer is offering you the lowest quotes compared to the market price. There must be some sort of catch in it. If you are new to the China sourcing, you need to be cautious of the Chinese manufacturers that quote the lowest.

Buying substandard products from China at the lowest cost is not a bargain. Fake products are not made to the same standards and typically have to be replaced more often. The objective of this blog is to raise consumer awareness about the dark side of sourcing products at the lowest price. Most of the time the lowest price signifies an unqualified manufacturer without having the necessary infrastructure, trained staff, professional management and quality control. Make a stand against counterfeit China goods and make sure you are buying original products.

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