4 Amazing Ways to Find Trusted Dropshipping Suppliers and Wholesalers

A supplier is a business that provides products or a service to another business. A wholesaler is a business that sells products to businesses in large quantities. Wholesale directories are online listings of major wholesale suppliers around the world. There you can easily sort and find the suppliers for your dropshipping niche.

Know the 4 simple steps businesses can follow to find the best dropshipping suppliers and wholesalers for the e-commerce shop.

Your suppliers will become your business partners. This is why looking for the best suppliers that fit your brand and share the same goals will help you grow your business. If you’re not careful enough, you might end up jeopardizing your dropshipping business.

A supplier is a business that provides products or a service to another business. They might provide stock to traditional retailers, or they might dispatch orders directly to customers on behalf of DropShipping businesses – or as in most cases, they sometimes do both. A wholesaler is a business that sells products to businesses in large quantities. By selling in larger quantities, they are able to procure and sell products to businesses at a much lower price. Wholesalers are not usually involved in manufacturing; they’re usually solely concerned with the distribution of products.


  • Finding Good Dropshipping Wholesalers on Google

More often than not, it’s relatively a challenge for you to find dropshipping companies that are certified. You cannot type on the internet the word, “drop shipper” without potentially running into middlemen or worse ‒ scammers. While Google is a highly efficient tool for finding information online, there will always be low-quality information and scams on the internet. You should Google various search terms and look past the first page of Google results. Don’t disregard a supplier just because of a clunky website.


  • Use Wholesale Directories

Wholesale directories are online listings of major wholesale suppliers around the world. There you can easily sort and find the suppliers for your dropshipping niche. The most popular dropshipping and wholesale supplier directories include Salehoo, Worldwide Brands, and Wholesale Central.


  • Figure Out Which Suppliers Your Competitors Use

If you want to be competitive in the dropshipping space, it follows that you should see what your competitors are doing. In particular, do some reconnaissance to see which suppliers are fulfilling their orders. There are a couple of ways to do this, but the easiest is to check marketplaces where your competitors sell. When a dropshipping retailer sells on B2B marketplaces like Global Sources, AliExpress, Alibaba, or even Amazon’s Marketplace, you can usually see the supplier fulfilling each product.


  • Contact Manufacturers Directly

Another route you could take is to contact the manufacturer directly. Once you’ve selected a product, you can try to find the manufacturer that made that product and ask them for all the wholesale distributors they ship to. You’ll be able to find a supplier more reliably than you would if searching online. Contacting a manufacturer may not be easy, though, as manufacturers are seldom responsive.


It’s in your favor to maintain good relationships with your suppliers. Some of the benefits include competitive prices, generous terms and improved product availability. By nurturing your relationships, you can continue providing your own customers with quality products at reasonable prices.

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